Most of our materials (books, DVDs, CDs, audiobooks on CD) can be renewed once. As a courtesy, these items will be automatically renewed on their due date. Prior to that date, you may renew these materials yourself either through our online catalog, our app or by calling one of our libraries.


What items are eligible to be renewed?
Books, Audiobooks, DVDs, and CDs that are not “Express” and for which there are no active holds.  Examples of express items are overnight DVDs and Express books on New Book shelves. Digital materials (eBooks, eAudiobooks) are not part of the Auto Renewal system. 

Why does the app say I have one (1) renewal left, but my book did not renew?
Our app will tell you if an item is theoretically eligible for renewal, but if you try to renew and it does not renew, that means there is an active hold on it.

How do I know if my item auto-renewed on its due date?
You can set up your account so that you will get an email informing you of the auto-renewal. If you do not have an email associated with your account, you can add it through the online catalog or you can call us to do it for you.

Can I get phone or text notifications about renewals? 
Not at this time. Notifications are by email only. 

Can I find out if an item will renew successfully in advance of the due date? 
We can help you with this. You can call us and we can look to see if there are holds on the item in order to determine the likelihood of the item being eligible for auto-renewal. Please note - we cannot guarantee the item will renew.

I will be away when my book/DVD/audiobook is due, can it be renewed in advance of the due date? 
Yes. The renewal period will begin on the day the item is renewed, however, not the original due date. 

Main Library
350 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(914) 769-0548

Mon–Thurs: 10–8
Fri–Sat: 10–5
Sun: Closed (July–Aug)
Branch Library
125 Lozza Drive
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 741-0276

Mon–Thurs: 10–5
Fri–Sat: 10–2
Sun: Closed
Main Library
350 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(914) 769-0548
Mon–Thurs: 10–8
Fri–Sat: 10–5
Sun: Closed (July–Aug)

Branch Library
125 Lozza Drive
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 741-0276
Mon–Thurs: 10–5
Fri–Sat: 10–2
Sun: Closed