If a vibrant public library is part of your vision for the future of this community, you can help by making a charitable bequest to the Mount Pleasant Public Library. A Bequest to the Library provides a way for you to help ensure that the Library can serve future generations by adding the Library as a benefactor in your will.

What is a charitable bequest?
A charitable bequest is a donation to a charitable organization, such as the Library, distributed from your estate, in accordance with instructions in your will.

A bequest is a vote of confidence in the future.
Your bequest will help the Mount Pleasant Public Library continue to be a place of learning and inspiration for our community by providing up-to-date collections, supporting special programs, and offering needed resources for children, teens and adults. For many people, charitable bequests allow us to make a larger contribution than we might otherwise be able to consider. It is a simple way to support your community and celebrate the things you value.

A bequest may reduce estate taxes.
All contributions to The Mount Pleasant Public Library are tax deductible. So a bequest to the Library may help to reduce taxes paid by your estate.

Making a bequest is easy.
To establish a bequest, simply include a statement in your will setting forth yourwishes. This can be done when drafting or revising a will, or by writing a codicil, which is an amendment to an existing document.For example, you can direct that a specific amount of money be given to the Library by including a simple statement such as: I bequeath $(_______) to the Mount Pleasant Public Library, located in the village of Pleasantville, New York.
To ensure that your estate plans accurately reflect your wishes and are suitable for your personal financial situation, obtaining legal counsel is strongly encouraged. Your attorney can also advise you about other planned giving options, such as designating a percentage of your estate, rather than a specific dollar amount, for the benefit of the Library, or using the value of life insurance, real estate, or other assets to fund your charitable bequest.

An unrestricted bequest will have the greatest impact.
The most valuable bequest to the Library is an unrestricted gift, allowing the Library’s Trustees to allocate funds to areas of greatest need or opportunity. Under certain conditions, and for bequests of $5,000 or more, the Library can also accept restricted-purpose bequests. For more information on creating a restricted bequest, please contact the Library Director. Regrettably, the Library cannot accept bequests of books, other library materials, or any other personal property. Bequests are best made in cash or cash equivalents.

Do you need more information?
You may call the Library Director’s Office at 914-769-0548 ext. 216, or e-mail the director at director@@mountpleasantlibrary⁠.org. All inquires will be treated in strictest confidence.

Main Library
350 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(914) 769-0548

Mon–Thurs: 10–8
Fri–Sat: 10–5
Sun: Closed (July–Aug)
Branch Library
125 Lozza Drive
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 741-0276

Mon–Thurs: 10–5
Fri–Sat: 10–2
Sun: Closed
Main Library
350 Bedford Road
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(914) 769-0548
Mon–Thurs: 10–8
Fri–Sat: 10–5
Sun: Closed (July–Aug)

Branch Library
125 Lozza Drive
Valhalla, NY 10595
(914) 741-0276
Mon–Thurs: 10–5
Fri–Sat: 10–2
Sun: Closed